Elf Test Flight Aerial North Pole Village Dept. 56. Santa's head elf is training new reindeer for his Christmas Eve Deliveries. This accessory can be lowered to adjust to your village needs. A unique North Pole addition.
Elf Test Flight Aerial North Pole Village Dept. 56. Santa's head elf is training new...
Trio Of Friends North Pole Village Dept. 56. The elves in the village are busy with their daily activities. If happiness is the relationships we keep, this Friends & Neighbors set brings you one step closer to bliss!
Trio Of Friends North Pole Village Dept. 56. The elves in the village are busy...
Friends & Neighbors Snow Village Dept. 56. The village has quite a collection of unique personalities. These friends and neighbors are enjoying the day and doing chores in the village. Add these to your village collection.
Friends & Neighbors Snow Village Dept. 56. The village has quite a collection of unique...
Dum-Dums Taste Buds North Pole Village Dept. 56. Santa's taste engineers are degreed, licensed and certified by the State Board of Deliciousness before being permitted to inspect candies. What is their favorite flavor?
Dum-Dums Taste Buds North Pole Village Dept. 56. Santa's taste engineers are degreed, licensed and...
Elfette Test Flight Aerial North Pole Village Dept. 56. Mrs. Claus enjoys a flight now and then. Her Elfette trains new reindeer to take Mrs. Claus for a smooth and fun ride. This accessory can be lowered to fit your...
Elfette Test Flight Aerial North Pole Village Dept. 56. Mrs. Claus enjoys a flight now...
Visiting The Park Halloween Village Dept. 56. Mickey shirts? Check! Ears? Check! Candy and selfies and a fun set of figures to commemorate our family vacation to the park? Check, check and check!
Visiting The Park Halloween Village Dept. 56. Mickey shirts? Check! Ears? Check! Candy and selfies...
Winter Potter's Bench Village Accessory Dept. 56. Even in winter, cardinals visit the potter's bench in hopes of finding scattered seed. Add to the delight of your village collection with this potter's bench that reminds us that Spring is just...
Winter Potter's Bench Village Accessory Dept. 56. Even in winter, cardinals visit the potter's bench...
Stacked gingerbread stars form an irresistible Christmas tree that looks good enough to eat! But don't, this accessory is hand painted and made of resin that will brighten your display for many seasons.
Stacked gingerbread stars form an irresistible Christmas tree that looks good enough to eat! But...