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Current Category: Blown Glass

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Showing 171-180 of 453 items

  • This Baseball Mitt Ornament represents Baseball Games that have been exciting its fans for years. From the playground, to the high school field, to the ballpark stadium, baseball is one of the most popular sports in America. In fact, it...
    This Baseball Mitt Ornament represents Baseball Games that have been exciting its fans for years....
  • Serving in the United States military is a sacrifice many have given to protect the freedom and liberty of the country. Veterans proudly wear a baseball-style hat. It is always worth the time and effort to thank these brave men...
    Serving in the United States military is a sacrifice many have given to protect the...
  • This quintessentially Western headgear has its origins in the wide-brimmed hats worn by Mexican vaqueros. In 1865, J.B. Stetson introduced the Boss of the Plains the symbol of the American cowboy and rugged durability. Personalize yours with buckles, beads, feathers...
    This quintessentially Western headgear has its origins in the wide-brimmed hats worn by Mexican vaqueros....
  • The six pack emerged in the 1950s and has become a symbol of relaxation with good friends. Breweries originally sold bottles in crates of 12, but grocery stores found that the 6-pack fit better in a paper grocery bag. Enjoy...
    The six pack emerged in the 1950s and has become a symbol of relaxation with...
  • On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon, 4 days after Apollo 11 was launched. They spent about 3 hours on the surface, gathered rock and dirt samples, planted an American flag and left a...
    On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon, 4 days...
  • Inaugurated on May 27, 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge spans the entrance to San Francisco Bay. When completed, it was the world's longest and tallest suspension bridge. A masterly example of engineering, it is painted "International Orange", to provide enhanced...
    Inaugurated on May 27, 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge spans the entrance to San Francisco...
  • With their brightly colored plumage, engaging behavior, and ability to talk, Parrots are one of nature's most beautiful and fascinating creatures. In the wild, they are found in lowland tropical forests and are strong fliers who feed on fruits, seeds,...
    With their brightly colored plumage, engaging behavior, and ability to talk, Parrots are one of...
  • According to legend the rooster has only crowed once at mid-night. This was to announce the birth of the Baby Jesus. For this reason, Spanish and Latin American Countries call their midnight mass on Christmas Eve the Mass of the...
    According to legend the rooster has only crowed once at mid-night. This was to announce...
  • The Turkey symbolizes altruism and self-sacrifice. It is the centerpiece of today s Thanksgiving dinner, which commemorates the first Thanksgiving in 1621, when the Pilgrims and Native Americans shared a harvest meal. Ben Franklin championed the turkey as our national...
    The Turkey symbolizes altruism and self-sacrifice. It is the centerpiece of today s Thanksgiving dinner,...
  • Affectionately known as Aussie, the Australian Shepherd was actually developed on ranches in the United States. Aussies continue to be valued by stockmen for their versatility and trainability. So eager to please, the Australian Shepherd has worked its way into...
    Affectionately known as Aussie, the Australian Shepherd was actually developed on ranches in the United...

Tag: Blown Glass

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