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Current Category: Unique Gift

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Showing 121–130 of 200 results

Showing 121-130 of 200 items

  • Swedish wooden clogs were worn by farmers and factory workers. Today, they are still popular fashion footwear. These clogs are decorated to reflect the unique windmills of Sweden. Just like traditional wooden clogs, this ornament is handcrafted with attention to...
    Swedish wooden clogs were worn by farmers and factory workers. Today, they are still popular...
  • Pancakes are traditionally served on Candlemas and Shrove Tuesday to celebrate renewal, family life and hopes for good fortune and happiness. It is customary in France to touch the handle of the frying pan and make a wish while the...
    Pancakes are traditionally served on Candlemas and Shrove Tuesday to celebrate renewal, family life and...
  • The Gingerbread Boy depicts a favorite tradition of the holiday season baking treats! Creating elaborate and whimsical cookies that are decorated with frosting and candies started years ago and continues today as a favorite holiday activity.
    The Gingerbread Boy depicts a favorite tradition of the holiday season baking treats! Creating elaborate...
  • Ice cream is an especially delicious treat. However, if it is not enjoyed quickly, it soon melts and disappears. This glass Ice Cream Carton ornament reminds us to enjoy and appreciate what we have today because it may be gone...
    Ice cream is an especially delicious treat. However, if it is not enjoyed quickly, it...
  • During the 1800s, when leisure travel was the exclusive realm of the wealthy, suitcases began to replace trunks and luggage labels evolved. Many examples of vintage luggage have affixed labels to bear witness to their travels. This ornament serves as...
    During the 1800s, when leisure travel was the exclusive realm of the wealthy, suitcases began...
  • The Claw Hammer is one of the oldest and most used tools. From construction sites to home projects, they are a true necessity. Carpenters view hammers as a personal tool, an extension of themselves, and are loyal to their favorite.
    The Claw Hammer is one of the oldest and most used tools. From construction sites...
  • Santa Claus is based on a real person, St. Nicholas, and he represents the true spirit of generosity. It is said that Santa Claus and the magic of Christmas will always exist as long as one believes!
    Santa Claus is based on a real person, St. Nicholas, and he represents the true...
  • Stingrays are related to sharks and are common in temperate seas around the world. Their unique flat body allows them to conceal themselves in the sand. They swim by undulating their bodies or flapping their sides like wings. Stingrays are...
    Stingrays are related to sharks and are common in temperate seas around the world. Their...
  • Manatees are large, gentle sea mammals that live in warm coastal seas and water ways. Legends of mermaids most likely came from sightings of long-tailed manatees, who cradle their young in their arms. Manatees are very rare and an endangered...
    Manatees are large, gentle sea mammals that live in warm coastal seas and water ways....
  • In many Native American cultures the fox is thought to be wise, due to its cunning nature. It is also considered a trickster for the same reason. Foxes are adaptable and opportunistic, but are also family-oriented, often forming lifelong attachments...
    In many Native American cultures the fox is thought to be wise, due to its...

Tag: Unique Gift

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