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Current Category: Sea

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Showing 1–10 of 16 results

Showing 1-10 of 16 items

  • Found in coastal waters of all major oceans, the great white shark is known for its incredible size. Female sharks grow to 20 feet long and weigh in at 4,200 pounds. Great whites are the largest predatory fish. The great...
    Found in coastal waters of all major oceans, the great white shark is known for...
  • The sea otter makes its home on the shores of the Pacific Ocean where it swims, dives and forages. Sea otters are exceptional animals for their use of tools. They are known to use rocks to dislodge and open shells...
    The sea otter makes its home on the shores of the Pacific Ocean where it...
  • One of the most recognizable whale species, the beluga whale is known for its white color and melon head. The beluga whale's nicknames include sea canary and squid hound. Belugas live in pods of three to 200 along the coastal...
    One of the most recognizable whale species, the beluga whale is known for its white...
  • The Pacific Blue Tang fish is a popular marine aquarium fish and is often recognized for being featured in an animated children s movie. It can be found swimming throughout the Indo-Pacific living in pairs, or in small groups. So,...
    The Pacific Blue Tang fish is a popular marine aquarium fish and is often recognized...
  • Although a clumsy swimmer, this fish can inflate to many times its normal size to scare away predators. In Japan, they are called "fugu" and are a dangerous delicacy. Specially trained & licensed chefs prepare this tasty treat, as one...
    Although a clumsy swimmer, this fish can inflate to many times its normal size to...
  • The octopus is a shy animal and will change color when frightened. It is also the most intelligent of the invertebrates. The octopus has a good memory and uses it to make judgements based on experience. It is a quick...
    The octopus is a shy animal and will change color when frightened. It is also...
  • With their distinctive black and white coloring and awkward waddle, penguins look like little comedians wearing tuxedos. Although they live in the Antarctic, they are considered to be Santa s friends since these playful birds favor snow and ice.
    With their distinctive black and white coloring and awkward waddle, penguins look like little comedians...
  • With their distinctive black and white coloring and awkward waddle, penguins look like little comedians wearing tuxedos. Although they live in the Antarctic, they are considered to be Santa s friends since these playful birds favor snow and ice.
    With their distinctive black and white coloring and awkward waddle, penguins look like little comedians...
  • Emperor Penguins are the largest of their species and spend winter on Antarctica s open ice. After the female lays a single egg, the father balances it on his feet and covers it with his warm layer of feathered skin....
    Emperor Penguins are the largest of their species and spend winter on Antarctica s open...
  • In many cultures, the shell is a symbol representing birth, life, resurrection, love and good luck. In China, the shell is one of the Eight Good Prophetic Symbols signifying a prosperous journey. The Junonia Shell is found along the east...
    In many cultures, the shell is a symbol representing birth, life, resurrection, love and good...

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