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Current Category: Gloria

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  • Elijah Shepherd Fontanini Nativity. God sent the prophet, Elijah, to tell King Ahab (7th king of Israel) that a terrible drought would come upon Israel because of his disobedience. Ahab’s evil wife, Jezebel, was so angry that she started having...
    Elijah Shepherd Fontanini Nativity. God sent the prophet, Elijah, to tell King Ahab (7th king...
  • Bethany Vineyard Fontanini Nativity. The Village has a unique vineyard that requires a lot of workers.  Bethany loves her work in the vineyards as she collects the juicy grapes and fruits for wine.  The perfect addition to your Nativity village.
    Bethany Vineyard Fontanini Nativity. The Village has a unique vineyard that requires a lot of...
  • Sheep Herd Fontanini Nativity. Animals were very important in the village where Mary and Joseph arrived.  Shepherds were known to bring sheep where they were most needed and to tend them with care.  A lovely addition to your Nativity tribute.
    Sheep Herd Fontanini Nativity. Animals were very important in the village where Mary and Joseph...

Tag: Gloria