Barn Ornament. Painted in traditional barn red and white, with chickens, a cow, and an old-fashioned tractor parked beside it, it's a typical day in the farmyard. The Barn ornament reminds us of American life on the farm and traditional...
Barn Ornament. Painted in traditional barn red and white, with chickens, a cow, and an...
Most recognized for being part of the Twelve Days of Christmas song, the three French hens represent the three Cardinal Virtues: faith, hope and charity. In chicken history, the French hen was first raised for as a food source. Today,...
Most recognized for being part of the Twelve Days of Christmas song, the three French...
As a provider of milk, the cow is a universal symbol of motherhood, nourishment, and abundance. This black and white Dairy Cow Ornament is a unique gift!
As a provider of milk, the cow is a universal symbol of motherhood, nourishment, and...
Little Piggy Farm Friends Ornament. These three little pigs are posing for their Christmas card picture and have jumped in a decorated crate. Now if they would only look the same way at the same time and smile! A...
Little Piggy Farm Friends Ornament. These three little pigs are posing for their Christmas...