Christmas In The City - a collection from Department 56, this series captures the elegance and excitement of the city. Everyone, not just the Irish, are welcome at Murphy's for a cup of good cheer! Hand-crafted & hand-painted porcelain lit...
Christmas In The City - a collection from Department 56, this series captures the elegance...
Lucky The Snowman in his dated top hat is joined by friend this year -- perhaps posing for a quick selfie before ringing in the New Year. This Original Snow Village accessory will only be offered in 2023.
Lucky The Snowman in his dated top hat is joined by friend this year --...
Stacked gingerbread stars form an irresistible Christmas tree that looks good enough to eat! But don't, this accessory is hand painted and made of resin that will brighten your display for many seasons.
Stacked gingerbread stars form an irresistible Christmas tree that looks good enough to eat! But...