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Current Category: Bird

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Showing 11-20 of 42 items

  • At first glance, the white crowned sparrow appears to be a plain, unimpressive bird. But, look closely and you'll find that this bird has remarkable markings on its head and bill. Birds adorn the Christmas tree to bring the joy...
    At first glance, the white crowned sparrow appears to be a plain, unimpressive bird. But,...
  • Blue Jays are noisy, fearless and energetic. They are talented in cleverly surviving with the least amount of effort. The crest on their heads symbolizes higher knowledge, which must be focused to be helpful. Blue Jays serve as harbingers in...
    Blue Jays are noisy, fearless and energetic. They are talented in cleverly surviving with the...
  • The gentle Western Bluebird is considered to be a symbol of happiness and fulfillment. Bluebirds were once quite common, but are becoming more rarely seen. Folklore says when a bluebird is spotted, it is a reminder to enjoy and appreciate...
    The gentle Western Bluebird is considered to be a symbol of happiness and fulfillment. Bluebirds...
  • Symbols of happiness and joy, birds are regarded as a necessity on the Christmas Tree. The male cardinal, with his bright red coloring, is popular at Christmastime. The female s feathers are lighter and yellow-tinged. Birds are symbols of happiness...
    Symbols of happiness and joy, birds are regarded as a necessity on the Christmas Tree....
  • Since ancient times, owls have been popular symbols of wisdom because they look so thoughtful and serious. Since owls can see in the dark, this little owl wants to help Santa all night through on Christmas Eve while the children...
    Since ancient times, owls have been popular symbols of wisdom because they look so thoughtful...
  • Great White Owls, also known as Snowy Owls, are usually found only in the Arctic. Shy and silent unless nesting, they are unlike other owls in that they are most active during the daytime. Depending on the season, they have...
    Great White Owls, also known as Snowy Owls, are usually found only in the Arctic....
  • Considered by many to be the most beautiful ducks, the brilliantly plumed male Wood Duck and the less showy female make a distinctive whistling sound. These shy, retiring water fowl live in ponds and sluggish streams surrounded by woodlands and...
    Considered by many to be the most beautiful ducks, the brilliantly plumed male Wood Duck...
  • With their brightly colored plumage, engaging behavior, and ability to talk, Parakeets are one of nature s most beautiful and fascinating creatures. In the wild, they are found in lowland tropical forests and are strong fliers who feed on fruits,...
    With their brightly colored plumage, engaging behavior, and ability to talk, Parakeets are one of...
  • Blending the simple yet elegant style of art deco with the more playful and kitschy versions from the fifties, this whimsical and colorful ornament evokes the pink flamingos of the forties and fifties that continue to be popular as home...
    Blending the simple yet elegant style of art deco with the more playful and kitschy...
  • Flamingos are famous for their bright pink feathers, stilt-like legs, and S-shaped neck. When a flamingo spots potential dinner—favorite foods include shrimp, snails, and plantlike water organisms called algae—it plunges its head into the water, twists it upside down, and...
    Flamingos are famous for their bright pink feathers, stilt-like legs, and S-shaped neck. When a...

Tag: Bird

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